साझा कचहरी – Public Debate

Samriddha Karnali Aviyan (SKA) conducted this program by debating various contemporary, historical, linguistic, regional and academic topics. Interested people directly participated in the discussion and debate of this program through Zoom. SKA broadcasted this program from the official Facebook page of Samriddha Karnali Aviyan. A total of six sessions of this public debate were held and promoted through the Facebook and YouTube channels of the organization.

कर्णालीमा महामारी– उहिलेदेखि अहिलेसम्म (भाग १ )

Epidemic in Karnali
कार्यक्रम साझा कचहरी
माधव चौलागाँई (जनस्वास्थ्यकर्मी तथा लेखक)